• St. Elizabeth Liqueur, Allspice Dram - 750 ml
  • St. Elizabeth Liqueur, Allspice Dram - 750 ml
  • St. Elizabeth Liqueur, Allspice Dram - 750 ml

St. Elizabeth Liqueur, Allspice Dram - 750 ml

  • Detail
    Allspice is a critical element of tropical drinks and cuisine. The berry, called “pimento” in Jamaica, gets its modern name from its flavors of clove, cinnamon, nutmeg, and pepper. Elizabeth Allspice Dram is a traditional preparation made with smoky Jamaican pot-still rum. Famous with bourbon in the Lion’s Tail. Use Allspice Dram in rum punches, as the base note of numerous tropical drinks, in mulled wine or the seasoning for sangria. Great with grapefruit or pineapple juice drinks and in coffee. Since 1932 the Purkhart family has produced award winning eaux-de-vie (brandy or “brand”), schnaps and liqueurs. Renowned for his exacting standards and consistent quality, Gunter Purkhart has taught distillation technique to many of today’s leading producers. Capturing elegance of ripe fruit and authentic regional tastes is a family passion.
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