• Skinnygirl Margarita - 750 ml
  • Skinnygirl Margarita - 750 ml
  • Skinnygirl Margarita - 750 ml
  • Skinnygirl Margarita - 750 ml
  • Skinnygirl Margarita - 750 ml
  • Skinnygirl Margarita - 750 ml
  • Skinnygirl Margarita - 750 ml
  • Skinnygirl Margarita - 750 ml

Skinnygirl Margarita - 750 ml

  • Detail
    Skinnygirl Margarita is one of the most popular pre-made margarita drinks you'll find. Not only will you get an outstanding flavor, but you'll also consume fewer calories than other margaritas. Created by Bethenny Frankel, a former Real Housewives of New York City and renowned natural foods chef. This margarita is made from sweetened agave nectar, blue agave silver tequila and delicious flavors to give you a classic margarita with fewer than 100 calories per serving. The flavor is a bit tangy, making your taste buds dance. It offers a 12.7 percent alcohol content, which is a great option for an evening with the girls. No additional tequila needs to be added; its a full-strength margarita. It's best to chill your bottle before you drink it because the flavors don't come together quite as well when it's warm. You can also pour your margarita over ice, or mix it with crushed or shaved ice for a chilly treat. Serve this refreshingly light low-calorie Margarita in a fun glass rimmed with salt, and you and your girls are good to go!
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