McQueen and The Violet Fog Ultraviolet Gin 750ml
DetailIntroducing McQueen and the Violet Fog Ultraviolet Edition – a gin that promises to elevate your drinking experience with its exceptional quality and attention to detail. This gin is meticulously crafted with a proprietary blend of 21 botanicals, featuring a symphony of dark berries and tropical hibiscus flavors, all designed to create a unique and refreshing twist on traditional gin. At McQueen and the Violet Fog, they believe that savoring gin should be an extraordinary journey, and Ultraviolet Edition aims to deliver just that. Whether you prefer sipping it neat to savor the intricate flavors or incorporating it into your favorite cocktail, the vibrant taste sensation of Ultraviolet will surely captivate your taste buds. One of the most intriguing aspects of this gin is its color-changing ability when mixed with citrus or tonic. This exciting feature adds an unexpected and unforgettable element to your cocktails, making each drink a magical experience. Don't miss out on this enchanting gin. Sign up now to be among the first to know when McQueen and the Violet Fog Ultraviolet Edition is available for purchase, and get ready to embark on a journey of flavor and delight unlike any other.
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