• Four PILLARS Gin Bloody Shiraz 750ml
  • Four PILLARS Gin Bloody Shiraz 750ml
  • Four PILLARS Gin Bloody Shiraz 750ml

Four PILLARS Gin Bloody Shiraz 750ml

  • Detail
    Four Pillars Bloody Shiraz Gin is a unique and captivating gin crafted by Four Pillars Distillery in Australia. This gin takes inspiration from the traditional English sloe gin, but with a delightful twist. It is created by steeping Yarra Valley Shiraz grapes in Four Pillars Rare Dry Gin, resulting in a deep, rich, and vibrant spirit. The defining characteristic of Four Pillars Bloody Shiraz Gin is its stunning deep purple color, which is derived from the infusion of the Shiraz grapes. On the nose, it offers an enticing blend of juniper, spice, and a burst of ripe berries that immediately captivates the senses. When it comes to taste, Four Pillars Bloody Shiraz Gin presents a harmonious fusion of flavors. The juniper and spice of the gin blend seamlessly with the intense berry notes, resulting in a beautifully balanced gin with a deliciously fruity and slightly tart profile. Four Pillars Bloody Shiraz Gin is a versatile spirit that can be enjoyed in a variety of ways. It can be savored neat, over ice, or mixed into creative cocktails, adding a unique twist to classic gin-based drinks. Its vibrant color and distinct flavors make it a true standout in any home bar or professional setting. With its exceptional craftsmanship, vibrant color, and distinctive flavor profile, Four Pillars Bloody Shiraz Gin is a gin lover's dream. It embodies the creativity and passion of Four Pillars Distillery, delivering an exciting and delicious gin experience that is sure to impress.
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