Bumbu XO Rum 750ml
DetailBumbu XO Rum Bumbu rums are made in a historic distillery in Barbados - the original rum island, where they have been perfecting rum for over 400 years. They handcraft their rums from a blend of the finest sugarcane from across the West Indies, to create exceptionally well balanced, smooth rums without losing their richness and complexity. Bumbu XO however, is a special release. Its been created from scratch and distilled and aged in Panama. Aged for up to 18 years, Bumbo use bourbon barrels and then finish in Spanish white oak sherry casks. The result is a truely unique and beautifully balanced superior rum, with aromas of toffee, toasted oak, and vanilla. There's hints of orange zest and peppery spice and a definite coffee taste on the palate. Read more about Bumbu Perfect Serve This smooth, rich and complex rum is made for sipping neat or enjoy with just a single ice cube.
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