• Buffalo Trace Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey (750ml)
  • Buffalo Trace Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey (750ml)
  • Buffalo Trace Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey (750ml)

Buffalo Trace Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey (750ml)

  • Detail

    Buffalo Trace bourbon is made mostly with corn from Kentucky and Indiana, plus rye and malted barley. Bottles of Buffalo Trace bear no aging statement, but rumor has it the typical bottle has an average age of between seven and nine years. I say “average age” because Buffalo Trace bourbon is blended, with a normal batch drawing from 25 to 30 barrels before chill filtration. The whiskey is 90 proof (45% alcohol), and has a light, golden amber coloring. The bottle is inked rather than labeled, and in such a way as to show off the whiskey’s lovely color. The stopper is plastic and cork. The whiskey smells of vanilla and maple, with a mild character. The flavor is warm, with brown sugar and honey sweetness, but once again the main feature is just how subdued it is. The finish is long, warm and pleasant, and without even a hint of bite.

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