• Amarula Cream Liqueur 750ml
  • Amarula Cream Liqueur 750ml

Amarula Cream Liqueur 750ml

  • Detail
    Amarula Cream Liqueur 750ml The Marula tree is a native of South Africa plains, once the its fruit is perfectly sun-ripened, each is gently hand-picked. First, the fruit is de-stoned, its flesh crushed and the pulp fermented. After fermentation, the Marula ‘wine’ is distilled and aged in French oak barrels for at least three years, during which wood spice characters of vanilla and toast are naturally imparted. Amarula Cream Liqueur is made with sugar, cream and the fruit of the Marula tree. Thereafer dairy cream is infused to give Amarula its rich, velvety texture. Only then it is bottled. The palate of Amarula Cream Liqueur is characterized by Chocolate, Cream, and Vanilla notes. Amarula is best served over ice and preferably, with a view.Pouring an attractive mocha color, this liqueur shows a beautiful bouquet of fresh cream infused with an intriguing note of ripe, tropical fruit. Plenty viscous, the creamy spirit finishes with a decadent sweetness.
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